Lactacyd Feminine Wash for daily use

Lactacyd Feminina2

Copyright © 2014-2015 Elkapatelka

Brand: Lactacyd
Category: Intimate wash
Name: Lactacyd Feminine
Country origin: UK
Size: 300ml

Price: ca £ 9 / 20 PLN

Opinion of the product: Only women know how important product intimate wash is. Men don’t care what they use down there and lets hope this will stay like that forever. It is really enough that they have already eye creams, peelings, moisturizers etc.

Lactacyd is the best intimate wash I have used till now. It is clinically and gynaecologically tested.

It has the right PH for our intimate areas so it does not allergy or irritate. It is white in colour and has no scent. Lactacyd Femnine can be purchased in a bottle with pump and later just refilled with cheaper refill bottle- we only leave the pump. There is no better product on the market. It is not easy to buy it in the UK, but I usually stock it up from other countries trip.

Product manufacturer information:

  • Provides comfort throughout the day and flavored skin with a gentle fragrance
  • Product with antibacterial composition
  • Provides freshness and maintain the natural environment of intimate areas
  • Contains lactic acid and maintain the natural pH of the human body
  • Suitable for daily care of intimate parts

You can get it on here as well: Lactacyd Feminine Wash for Daily Use – Ideal care for your intimate hygiene! 200ml

 Elka’s rating: 6

Elka’s rating:

1=wyrzucone pieniadze/Wasted money
2=od biedy mozna uzyc/ So so
3=da sie zniesc, ale szalu nie ma/Just OK
4=dobry-spelnia obietnice producenta, ale ma wady/ Good, but has some failures
5=bardzo dobry, ale nie idealny/ Very good, but not ideal
6=idealny-kupilabym ponownie/ Excellent, I would buy it again!

PL-Polish language version

Opinia o produkcie: Delikatna emulsja do higieny intymnej Lactacyd Feminine jest zdecydowanie najlepsza na rynku. Sprzedawana jest w wygodnym opakowaniu z pompka, ktore po zuzyciu mozna wymienic na butelke bez pompki, zachowac pompke z poprzedniego opakowania i zaoszczedzic wydatek. Lactacyd jest przebadany klinicznie przez ginekologow, jest bezzapachowy i w bialym kolorze. Konsystencja nie jest za gesta, ale nie splywa z rak. Produkt jest wydajny i w dobrej cenie-ideal. Nie uczula, nie swedzi, nie piecze, nie wysusza wrazliwej sluzowki okolic intymnych.

W promocji w Rossmanie mozna dostac 2 za 1. Do nabycia w drogeriach lub supermarketach na terenie calego kraju.

Lactacyd Feminina

Copyright © 2014 Elkapatelka

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