No7 Extreme Sensitive Eyes Mascara Boots

No7 Extreme Lash Sensitive Mascara Boots

Copyright © 2014 Elkapatelka

Brand: No 7 Boots
Category: mascara
Name: Mascara Sensitive Boots No 7
Country origin: UK
Price: ca £ 13 (special offer 8)
Ocena Elki/ Elka’s rating: 4

Elka’s rating:

1=wyrzucone pieniadze/Wasted money
2=od biedy mozna uzyc/ So so
3=da sie zniesc, ale szalu nie ma/Just OK
4=dobry-spelnia obietnice producenta, ale ma wady/ Good, but has some failures
5=bardzo dobry, ale nie idealny/ Very good, but not ideal
6=idealny-kupilabym ponownie/ Excellent, I would buy it again!

Opinion of the product: I was looking for a mascara for sensitive eyes. There are not many of those on market nowadays. Especially in the lower price range ( up to 15£). There are plenty of mascaras on the market, but not many of them are optimologically and dermatological tested, and suitable for contact lenses in an affordable price.

It surprises me that many women don’t really care if mascara, which is in such close contact with their sight, is not tested by optomologist. It can cause an immediate inflammation and problems with bacterial infection in eyes. Mascaras can accidentally be rubbed into eye lids when we forget we have a make up. It happened to me many times.

No 7 Extreme Sensitive Eyes Mascara leaves the lengthening molecules right under your eye lids. It is exactly not where you want them to be. You want to have long, sexy lashes, but instead you are getting the black smudges under eyes looking like a drama queen. It happens to drop the little lengthening fly legs exactly two hours after applying the make up. Any other mascara lasted longer than that, and all mascaras I use are not waterproof, which shortens their live on lashes.

Brush is fully made of plastic/rubber- flexible slim rubber bristles . It is lengthening the lashes in deep black.

It may be that the product I bought was old. You never know with mascaras, as many ladies, including me, I like to open the product. This one was sealed at the moment of the purchase with plastic foil, but time spent on the market shelf may be long.

A good thing is that is did not caused any allergy, so this promise of the producer is true. At least this one. It contains beeswax, D-Panthenol, Almond and Jojoba oils to take care of lashes.

For 12£ you can expect more than that.

I will not be back to this mascara. Not sure if will give a chance to other No7 mascaras at Boots.

I am still searching for the perfect mascara.

You can get it here if you want to give it a try:No 7 Extreme Length Sensitive Mascara 02 Brown Black 7ml

Opinia o produkcie: Tusz do oczu wrazliwych, dla osob noszacych szkla kontaktowe marki No7 kupilam w Bootsie pod wplywem chwili. Szukalam tuszu przetestowanego opymologicznie, ktory nie uczula i odzywi rzesy. Cena tego tuszu byla dosc wysoka, ale otrzymalam kupon promocyjny przy kasie i zaplacilam 8£.

No7 Extreme Sensitive Eyes nie jest wart swojej ceny. Efekt zaraz po aplikacji jest swietny. Rzesy sa wydluzone, nabieraja koloru glebokiej czerni. Jednak wystarczy godzina i tusz zaczyna sie kruszyc. Tworzy tzw. “efekt pandy”, wydluzajace lapki opadaja nam na dolna powieke, pod oko i wyglada to zalosnie. Bylam tak wsciekla z wyrzuconych pieniedzy, ze nie zauwazylam zadnego odzywienia rzes. Zuzyje opakowanie do konca i nie zamierzam wrocic do tego produktu. Mozliwe, ze tusz byl stary, dlugo lezal na polce sklepowej, ale byl zapakowany szczelnie w folie i nie byl otwierany przede mna. Byc moze jednak pochodzi z partii wyprodukowanej kilka lat temu.

Artdeco 3D Mineral Mascara

mascara Artdeco

©2014 Elkapatelka


Category: mascara

Name: Mascara 3D mineral

Country of origin: Germany

Price: € 20

Size: 8ml

Ella’s rating: 4

1=wasted money
2=so so
4=good-but has some failures
5=very good, but not ideal
6=excellent-I would buy it again!

Product review: Mascara overpriced for the quality we get. It last around 3 hours and after that makes smudges, easy to cleanse. Its color is dark black. Brush does not split the lashes. When used twice it looks dramatic.

I  have expected a bit better product from Artdeco, which is a good brand in eye shadows section and produces professional make up. I like mineral products that is why I have decided to buy it.  It might be an old product, that is why it was not such high quality, I have expected.

You can buy it here:  All-in-one mineral Artdeco – 1 black mascara 6 ml


All in One Mineral Mascara Artdeco

©2014 Elkapatelka

PL-Polish language version


Opinia o produkcie:Tusz: nie wytrzymuje calego dnia na powiekach, kruszy sie. Kolor-gleboka czern. Szczoteczka dosc niezla, ale nie rozczesuje rzes zbyt dobrze, nabiera za duzo tuszu. Przy podwojnym pomalowanie rzes skleja je maksymalnie. Efekt po pojedynczym pomalowaniu  jest w miare naturalny, ale utrzymuje sie okolo 3 godziny i zaczyna splywac. Tusz jest latwy do zmycia. Hypoalergiczny, nie uczula, a mam wrazliwe oczy. Moglby byc trwalszy i nie sklejac rzes. Opakowanie: ladne, nie lamie sie w torebce, trwale i eleganckie. Cena dosc wysoka w porownaniu do jakosci produktu. Bylam zawiedziona, bowiem posiadam cienie w olowku Artdeco i sa super, wiec po tym tuszu spodziewalam sie podobnego efektu.