No7 Body Shimmer Aftersun Boots


No7 Body Shimmer Aftersun wm

Copyright © 2014-2015 Elkapatelka No7 Body Shimmer Aftersun Boots

This is a “must have” in your holidays suitcase: an after-sun subtle  shimmering gold body lotion, hypoallergenic, very important for hyper-sensitive or allergic skin.

A lot of girls and boys get some tan in the parks of London. To preserve the bronze you can use this product.

I have tested it on my Croatia’s holidays, it looked great.

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No7 Protect & Pefect Intense Facial Sun Protection SPF 50

No7 Protect&Perfect

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Brand: No7
Category: facial sun protection
Name:Protect & Perfect Intense Facial Sun Protection SPF50
Country origin: Made in Germany for Boots
Price: £ 14
Size:30 ml
Elka’s rating / Ocena Elki : 6

Elka’s rating:

1=Wasted money
2=So so
3=Just OK
4=Very good, but not ideal /
6=Excellent, I would buy it again!


Opinion about the product: This is another sun care product I bought before my summer holidays.

I just applied it in order to give a good impression about it.

Protect & Perfect facial protects the skin of your face in this way: it has a high (50SPV) UVB filter and 5*UVA filter, it contains a patented antioxidant complex to give advanced protection against the ageing effect of the sun.

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Soltan baby Hypoallergenic Suncare Lotion SPV50 High Sun Protection

Soltan baby suncare lotion

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Brand: Soltan – Boots brand
Category: suncare lotion
Name:Hypoallergenic Suncare baby Lotion Soltan by Boots SPF50
Country origin: UK / Wielka Brytania
Price: £ 9
Size:200 ml
Elka’s rating / Ocena Elki : 6

Elka’s rating:

1=Wasted money/ wyrzucone pieniadze/
2=So sood biedy mozna uzyc / So so
3=Just OK / Jest OK, ale szalu nie ma
4=Very good, but not ideal / bardzo dobry, ale nie idealny
6=Excellent, I would buy it again! Idealny-kupilabym ponownie


Opinion about the product: I have left a purchase of sun screen for the last minute, to the evening before packing my suitcase for my summer holidays.

I expected it to be a five minute shopping exercise but I ended up spending thirty minutes in Boots, at the sun screen shelf, for it is not an easy pick up when you want a good quality product.

I have left Boots £50 poorer (for a whole set of five sun/after sun related products), but happy that I bought a quality product.

Soltan baby Suncare Lotion 50SPV is a sun protection lotion for highly intensive sun light. Skin cancer is so dangerous that each of us should take it seriously, and while being naturally tanned is “en vogue” it puts your life at risk.

Let us protect our skin and stay away from a dangerous but underestimated type of cancer.

Why did I choose this particular Soltan product?

First, it is hypoallergenic, has no smell, no alcohol; as such, it has been approved by paediatricians, has no colour, and it is dermatologically tested. Soltan baby Suncare Lotion includes a patented antioxidant complex to help protect against long-term skin damage.

It gets absorbed very quickly and stays sticky only a short while. It does not leave white stains on the skin.

The bottle has an appealing shape: it is easy to apply the product, and nothing leaks out even when you leave it open during application – very well designed indeed.

It protects one well but you need to follow the producer’s advice on the bottle: apply 15 minutes before sun exposure, re-apply straight after starting the sun exposure to optimise protection. Re-apply every 1-2 hours. The substance is water-proof, but then again you need to re-apply it after swimming or towelling. It is also suitable for babies; adults with sensitive skin, such as myself, will be happy to find such a good quality sun screen.

My “Soltan baby” has a 50SPV UVB filter and level 5* UVA protection, the highest protection against nasty UVA penetrating into the deeper layers of your skin during sun exposure. Producer advises as well to stay away from sun between 11-3pm when the sun shines the strongest and can cause the most damage in our skin.

With this, I’m looking forward to enjoying my holidays – I’m off to the beach now, see you all in a while & stay safe!

Opinia o produkcie: Szukalam kremu z filtrem przed wyjazdem na wakacje. To byla decyzja pozostawiona na wieczor przed wylotem. Wpadlam do Bootsa z zamiarem pieciominutowych zakupow i nabycia produktow dobrej jakosci. Stalam przed polka z kremami z filtrem okolo 30 minut. Czytalam, analizowalam, porownywalam stosunek jakosci do ceny i sklad. Wyszlam ze sklepu ubozsza o 50£, ale zadowolona.

Jednym z moich zakupow byl wlasnie ten lotion. Wybor padl na Soltan, nie z powodu zaufania do marki, ale z faktu, ze jest to produkt hypoalergiczny, dla dzieci (zaaprobowany przez pediatrow), delikatny, z wysokim filtrem (50 SPF), wodoodporny, z 5 * filtra UVA, o cenie lepiej nie wspomne, bo nie nalezal do tanich produktow, ale przy tej wyliczance zalet wiadomo za co sie placi.

Lotion jest bardzo przyjemny w uzyciu. Soltan baby Suncare lotion jest zamkniety w porecznej butelce plastikowej, w ksztalcie stozka, z zakretka, na ktorej produkt mozna postawic. Mozna go otworzyc jedna reka, co czesto sie przydaje przy aplikowaniu produktu na ruchliwego malucha.

Konsystencja lotionu, lekko sie rozsmarowuje, dosc szybko wchlania, a bialy film z filtra pozostaje widoczny doslownie krotka chwile po wmasowaniu w skore. Po tym czasie pozostawia niewidoczna poswiate, a skora lekko sie blyszczy. Lepi sie do momentu wchloniecia, wtedy pozostawia plamy-dotknelam rekami laptopa zanim to nastapilo i mam ladna plame na obudowie.

Producent zapewnia, ze produkt ten nie posiada alkoholu ani barwnikow. Kompozycja zapachowa-brak.

Produkt jest przydatny do zuzycia w ciagu 18 miesiecy od dnia otwarcia-co jest bardzo wazne, poniewaz mozna go zuzyc na dwa sezony urlopowe.

Producent zaleca nalozyc obficie. Wiele osob popelnia podstawowy blad nakladania za malej ilosci kremu do opalania. Nie oszczedzajmy na ilosci nalozonego kremu drogie panie i panowie, bo od tego zalezy nasze zdrowie. Promienie UVA I UVB sa zabojcze dla naszej skory i organizmu i moga spowodowac raka skory.

Od lat w Europie wiadomo, ze lozka solaryjne zbieraja poklosie wsrod chorych na czerniaka (promienie w solarium sa 300 razy mocniejsze niz te na sloncu) jednak u nas nadal moda na “czekoladke” nie przemija.

Jak nakladac produkty do opalania z filtrem UV tak zeby zapewnic sobie optymalna ochrone?

Producent zaleca nakladac Soltan baby 15 minut przed planowana ekspozycja sloneczna i natychmiast po rozpoczeciu opalania. Ponownie nalozyc na skore po 1-2 godzinach i zawsze po kapieli oraz wycieraniu recznikiem, poniewaz produkt moze splynac albo zostac starty z ciala.

Trzeba unikac przebywania na sloncu podczas godzin 11-15.

Dzieci do 6 miesiecy nie powinny byc wystawiane na bezposrednie naslonecznienie.

To tyle rad z mojej strony. Zmykam na plaze, udanego urlopu i rozsadnych kapieli slonecznych Wam zycze!

Soltan baby suncare lotion 2

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