A bit of spring on your cheeks- Artdeco Mineral Backed Blusher Review

What is the oldest cosmetic to make you look fresh and young?

The face blusher, of course.

The smartest cosmetic, which each of us has and all generations of women use.

One of my favourite, and one of the best I found till now, is the mineral one from Artdeco.

Artdeco Mineral backed blusher

Copyright © 2014-2016 Elkapatelka Artdeco Mineral Backed Blusher

I love the baked face blushers, like the one from Bourjous, another cosmetic brand I really like.

Here is how Artdeco face blusher performs in my tests:

*Artdeco baked blusher did not cause any allergies, spots and did not dry out my cheeks either.

*It is a mineral one, so it has minimum of harmful chemicals. Its ingredients are such as titanium dioxide, kaolin and silver oxide.

*Its case is similar to the Bourjous baked blusher case. It is simple, round, light, durable plastic-it will survive the though handbag life.

*Blusher is semi hard powder, easy to apply to the blush brush.

*Easy to wash away.

*It has no mirror-a big minus!

*It is without talc, wax and oil.


*Price relatively small to what you get, especially the backed blushers last forever. The same one I still use since over a year.

In other words, it is another excellent product of Artdeco. Well done Artdeco! Keep on going with the quality and price correlation.

Artdeco is a German brand with high quality beauty cosmetics. If you read more of my blog posts you can find more Artdeco cosmetics. They are simply good.

I am a sceptical customer. I need to test cosmetics, before will recommend them to anyone. It takes me a while to like a product, but if I like the brand and trust it, I come back to test other products from their range.

I added some reviews of a liquid lipstick and a mineral powder, BTW-both are excellent products-check my reviews, although they are not so popular, but worth to have them if you like quality in a good price.

In the UK you can get this brand at Debenhams or online and in some pharmacies as well. I was not able to find it on Amazon though. In Germany it is available in Kaufhoff shops.


Brand: Artdeco
Category: Mineral Baked Blusher
Artdeco Mineral Baked Blusher

Price: ca £ 12

My rating:
6=Brilliant! I would buy it again.

G4I-Go For It!!! ©


“As we grow old, the beauty steals inward” Ralph Waldo Emerson



Artdeco Hydrating Mineral Powder Foundation

Artdeco Hydrating Mineral Powder

Copyright © 2014 Elkapatelka

Marka/Brand: Artdeco
Kategoria/Category: Mineral Powder Found
Nazwa/Name:Hydra Mineral Powder Foundation Ivory
Kraj produkcji/Country origin: Niemcy/Germany
Cena/Price: ca €20/£ 30
Ocena Elli/Ella’s rating: 6

Ella’s rating:

1=wyrzucone pieniadze/wasted money/
2=od biedy mozna uzyc/so so
3=da sie zniesc, ale rewelacji nie ma/OK
4=dobry-spelnia obietnice producenta, ale ma wady/good-but has some failures
5=bardzo dobry, ale nie idealny/very good, but not ideal
6=idealny-kupilabym ponownie/excellent-I would buy it again!

Opinion about the product: Artdeco Hydra Mineral Foundation gives the coverage of a classical foundation and the consistency of a loose powder. It is nicely packed in a compact, elegant case with the mirror. It has minerals, which protects the skin from dehydrating. What is interesting-it has Echinacea extract, which hydrates the skin. It contains as well vitamin E and rosemary extract. Both of those should give the protection against free radicals and loss of moisture. It is silicone and fragrance free. Oils and wax free. It contains as well Tiger grass which should improve the contours and tighten, but I don’t see that happening at all. Powder is very pleasant to use. Does not stays in the dry patches and it does not dry out the skin. It is very valet-friendly, you don’t use a lot of it on single application, which means it will last longer. Plastic case is very stable, does not break in the handbag and it is elegant even to check if all is fine with our make up on the move. Corrections during the day will not bring you spots, you cannot overuse it. Instead of attached sponge I used the powder brush and throw the sponge away. Ivory colour I have is very natural. As most of mineral powders becomes a bit darker on the skin, so it is better to go for the lighter colour, most natural. I am very happy of this purchase. It has perfect consistency for summer. I had no allergy or spots after using it. Good for sensitive skin. I would buy it again. You can buy a refill which will save you a bit of money if you decide to buy it again.

Opinia o produkcie: Jak juz wspomnialam, lubie Artdeco. Ten produkt spelnil moje oczekiwania. Jest to nawilzajacy podklad mineralny w kamieniu. Zamkniety jest w eleganckiej puderniczce z lusterkiem. Jest ona trwala, nie lamie sie, nie peka, troche sie porysuje w torebce, ale tak to juz jest, ze zazwyczaj mamy tam milion rzeczy koniecznie potrzebnych. Puder zawiera witamine E, ekstrakt z Echinacei, wyciag z trawy tygrysiej, ktore maja zahamowac starzenie sie oraz dbac o nawilzenie naszej buzki. Czy tak sie dzieje? Nie zauwazylam efektu odmlodzenia, ale kto wierzy w takie bajki? Natomiast buzka jest czysta, nie wyskakuja pryszcze, nie zatyka porow, wygladza slicznie cere. Nie zawiera silikonow ani woskow. Fakt, ze mam cere bez podraznien, czy lekkich wypryskow, ale sklonna do przesuszania na policzkach. Pomimo tego, puder nie powoduje sciagania policzkow, ani swiecenia sie strefy T. Spelnia po prostu swoja role. Mozna naniesc poprawki w ciagu dnia. Uzywam do tego pedzla. W puderniczce znajduje sie rowniez gabeczka do pudru, ale nie naklada sie nia tak dobrze, jak duzym pedzlem, wiec polecam to zastosowanie. Produkt zdecydowanie super na lato, zabieram go zawsze w podroz, bo jest maly, lekki I lepszy od tradycyjnego fluidu, bo nie jest w butelce I sie nie wyleje. Mozna dokupic refill, to zaoszczedzicie na opakowaniu. Produkt spelnia moje oczekiwania, kupilabym ponownie. Polecam.

Artdeco Hydrating Mineral Powder

Copyright © 2014 Elkapatelka


Artdeco 3D Mineral Mascara

mascara Artdeco

©2014 Elkapatelka


Category: mascara

Name: Mascara 3D mineral

Country of origin: Germany

Price: € 20

Size: 8ml

Ella’s rating: 4

1=wasted money
2=so so
4=good-but has some failures
5=very good, but not ideal
6=excellent-I would buy it again!

Product review: Mascara overpriced for the quality we get. It last around 3 hours and after that makes smudges, easy to cleanse. Its color is dark black. Brush does not split the lashes. When used twice it looks dramatic.

I  have expected a bit better product from Artdeco, which is a good brand in eye shadows section and produces professional make up. I like mineral products that is why I have decided to buy it.  It might be an old product, that is why it was not such high quality, I have expected.

You can buy it here:  All-in-one mineral Artdeco – 1 black mascara 6 ml


All in One Mineral Mascara Artdeco

©2014 Elkapatelka

PL-Polish language version


Opinia o produkcie:Tusz: nie wytrzymuje calego dnia na powiekach, kruszy sie. Kolor-gleboka czern. Szczoteczka dosc niezla, ale nie rozczesuje rzes zbyt dobrze, nabiera za duzo tuszu. Przy podwojnym pomalowanie rzes skleja je maksymalnie. Efekt po pojedynczym pomalowaniu  jest w miare naturalny, ale utrzymuje sie okolo 3 godziny i zaczyna splywac. Tusz jest latwy do zmycia. Hypoalergiczny, nie uczula, a mam wrazliwe oczy. Moglby byc trwalszy i nie sklejac rzes. Opakowanie: ladne, nie lamie sie w torebce, trwale i eleganckie. Cena dosc wysoka w porownaniu do jakosci produktu. Bylam zawiedziona, bowiem posiadam cienie w olowku Artdeco i sa super, wiec po tym tuszu spodziewalam sie podobnego efektu.