Balea Creme Shower Body Wash With Marula Oil and Milk Protein

Balea Creme Dusche Oel DM 2

Copyright © 2014-2015 Elkapatelka

Brand: Balea dm drogerie
Category: shower crème
Name: Creme Ol Dusche
Country origin: Germany
Size: 250ml

Price: ca EUR 2

Opinion of the product:  It is another lovely product from dm drogerie -Balea brand shower oil with almond scent.

Consistency of this shower crème is a bit like a vanilla pudding: creamy, silky and leaves smooth film on the skin after showering.

It is an excellent product for a dry or normal skin in winter time, when one needs more moisturizing and tends to dry out quicker under heavy jumpers and temperature differences. Lets make sure that we use oils, oil showers and moisturizing products over those cold months. Balea has milk protein and marula nuts oil to help your skin looks better.

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Dry Skin Shower Oil Balea


Duschöl shower oil Balea

Copyright © 2014 Elkapatelka

Brand: dm drogerie Balea
Category: shower oil
Name:Balea Duschgoel -shower oil
Country origin: Germany
Price: ca €2
Size:250 ml
Elka’s rating:4

Opinion about the product: Very nice smell of Balea Duschöl convinced me to purchase it. As any other dm drogerie product, it is cheaper and high quality shower oil in comparison to brand products like Nivea.
More than 70% of the oils in the product are vegetable oils. It does not contain paraffin oils, but it does contain vitamin E. You can feel that while having a shower, it leaves the skin well moisturized, and you don’t need to apply a body lotion.

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Cherry Lip Balm Balea

Copyright © 2014 Elkapatelka

Brand: Balea dm drogerie
Category: care lipstick / pomadka ochronna
Name: Balea Kirsche Lipstick / Pomadka ochronna Balea Czeresnia
Country origin: Germany / Niemcy
Price: 1-2 EUR
Ocena Elki/ Elka’s rating: 5

Elka’s rating:

1=wyrzucone pieniadze/Wasted money
2=od biedy mozna uzyc/ So so
3=da sie zniesc, ale szalu nie ma/Just OK
4=dobry-spelnia obietnice producenta, ale ma wady/ Good, but has some failures
5=bardzo dobry, ale nie idealny/ Very good, but not ideal
6=idealny-kupilabym ponownie/ Excellent, I would buy it again!


Opinion of the product: Another good dm drogerie product. Not many English speaking readers will be able to get it though. This brand is sold mostly in Germany and Austria. What a pity, as dm drogerie has amazing products in very affordable prices.

What do we expect from the care lipstick? To protect the lips from environmental negative influence: sun, wind, cold and as an extra- to make us looking nicer. This one does the job perfectly.

This lipstick smells lovely of cherries. It leaves a thin and smooth layer of care on our lips and light red colour, which looks very naturally. The Kirsch colour will fit the one of you who like to have slightly more red lips, but want still look naturally. It is not an intensive red, just “ready for a kiss” one.

It is dermatologicaly tested.

It lasts very long. I have many of them in different flavours in each coat, as my lips tend to dry out.One lipstick last  for me for half a year. If it is used daily I would give it maximum three months. If I like the smell of it I use it up quicker. I love to try new lip care balms or lipsticks.

This Balea Lip Balm is highly recommended. I will definitely buy it again.

Opinia o produkcie: Marka dm ma wiele swietnych produktow. Mozna je nabyc przez internet na austriackiej stronie lub tez w Niemczech lub Austrii osobiscie w drogeriach tej sieci.

Pomadka ochronna Balea Kirsch ma zapach czeresni i takiz kolor. Pozostawia na ustach aksamitna poswiate, niezbyt mocnej czerwieni. Podkresla raczej naturalna czerwien ust, sprawiajac, ze sa one “gotowe na pocalunek”.

Produkt jest testowany dermatologicznie, nie kruszy sie, nie jelczeje, nie lamie sie, co mi sie juz zdarzylo z pomadka Oeparol wczesniej. Opakowanie pozostaje bez zmian. Mechanizm zamkniecia dziala do konca zuzycia produktu. Balea Kirsch jest w bardzo przystepnej cenie i wystarcza na dlugo. Zawsze mam kilka pomadek ochronnych, w kazdym plaszczu, stad ciezko mi powiedziec na jak dlugo Wam wystarczy Balea Kirsch, ale biorac pod uwage jej sliczny zapach i wspaniala konsystencje mozna sie od niej uzaleznic i zuzyc ja bardzo szybko, w ciagu miesiaca lub dwoch. Ochrania usta przed zimnem i wiatrem, ale nie posiada filtrow ochronnych na slonce. Stosuje ja w lecie, ale na wakacje marka dm ma inny produkt. Pomadki ochronne z filtrem UV sa ciezsze w strukturze i czasem pozostawiaja bialy nalot na ustach, ale o tym w oddzielnym wpisie.

Uwielbiam ten produkt i polecam go Wam serdecznie, zwlaszcza tym, ktore szukaja naturalnego podkreslenia koloru ust polaczonego z pielegnacja w dobrej cenie.

Balea Kirsch lipstick

Copyright © 2014 Elkapatelka

In-Shower Body Moisturiser: dm Balea “Dusch-Bodymilk”


Marka/Brand: DM Deutsche Marke-Balea
Kategoria/Category: balsam po prysznicu/shower body milk
Nazwa/Name:Balea Dusch Body Milk
Kraj produkcji/Country origin: Niemcy/Germany
Cena/Price: €3
Ocena Elli/Ella’s rating:5

Ella’s rating:

1=wyrzucone pieniadze/wasted money/
2=od biedy mozna uzyc/so so
3=da sie zniesc, ale rewelacji nie ma/OK
4=dobry-spelnia obietnice producenta, ale ma wady/good-but has some failures
5=bardzo dobry, ale nie idealny/very good, but not ideal
6=idealny-kupilabym ponownie/excellent-I would buy it again!


Opinion about the product: I love Balea products, they are cheaper than brand ones and very often much better quality, all can be bought in DM in Germany. Innovative balm in the shower. Applied on wet skin and washed off should leave the skin moisture and soft. It does leave it soft, but I would not say that it moisturises it. It is still better to spend some extra minutes to apply the traditional balm or milk as this product does not work although I appreciate that they tried to save us the time for applying the balm after shower. Skin is left soft and smells nice. It is similar to Nivea product, but cheaper. I will test the Nivea one at some point as well and leave the product opinion here later. I would not buy this one again as I do not see that it does the job-to moisturize my skin.

It might be good for really hot climate when you sweat straight after shower, than this product can work-as it does not leave the oily film and you are basically ready to go after drying with the towel.

Opinia o produkcie: Uwielbiam produkty z drogerii DM, sa wysokiej jakosci i w przystepnej cenie. Ten produkt stal obok Nivei, ktora ma spelniac te sama role- nawilzac skore zaraz po prysznicu. Po umyciu ciala zelem pod prysznic wzielam na reke balsam wielkosci orzecha wloskiego. Konsystencja kremu do depilacji, zapach bardzo przyjemny, podobny do klasyka Nivei. Wmasowalam w cialo i splukalam. Nie daje sie latwo splukac. Przyznam sie, ze po raz pierwszy uzywalam balsamu na mokre cialo i nie jest to mega przyjemne doswiadczenie, zwlaszcza, ze trzeba sie dwa razy moczyc woda. Trzeba zakrecic kurek z woda zeby nie splukac z siebie balsamu zanim go wmasujemy. Skora po wytarciu recznikiem jest przyjemna w dotyku, lekko pachnie swiezoscia, jest gladsza. Nie zauwazylam nawilzenia choc troche podobnego do uzycia balsamu na sucha skore, wiec potwierdza to moje przypuszczenia, ze nie spelnia to nawet podobnej roli. Reklamowany jako produkt dla zabieganych, do porannego prysznica. Byc moze spelnil oczekiwania wielu klientek, ale nie moje. Skusze sie prawdopodobnie na wyprobowanie produktu Nivea, byc moze jest troszeczke lepszy. Produktu bym nie kupila ponownie.